Information on timetables, prices and offers to travel with trains from Rome to Naples!
The railway companies that deal with the connection with trains from Rome to Naples are Trenitalia e Italo.
Trenitalia provides daily, around 60 rides, between trains regional, Intercity, Intercity Night, Frecciabianca, Frecciargento and Frecciarossa. Usually, given the distance to be covered, about 225 km, the regional train takes about three hours to reach the destination, while the others about two hours, except for high-speed trains that take just over a Now.
Italo, on the other hand, has several daily trips from high-speed trains that take just over an hour to reach their destination.
Opening hours
Both companies leave both from the station Rome Termini both at the station Roma Tiburtina and arrive at the Garibaldi Station of Naples. Some lines are suppressed on holidays.
Below, timetables in detail. Simply click on the one that interests you most.
To consult the schedules simply click on the button that interests you.
[toggle title=”Trenitalia Freccia weekday timetables”]
07: 35 Rome Terms 08: 45 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
08: 48 Rome Terms 09: 55 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
08: 49 Rome Terms 10: 36 Napoli Centrale Frecciabianca
09: 20 Rome Terms 10: 32 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
09: 53 Rome Terms 11: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
10: 10 Rome Terms 11: 20 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
10: 40 Rome Terms 11: 50 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
10: 53 Rome Tiburtina 12: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
11: 25 Rome Tiburtina 12: 35 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
11: 40 Rome Terms 12: 48 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
11: 45 Rome Tiburtina 12: 53 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
11: 53 Rome Terms 13: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
11: 58 Rome Terms 13: 10 Napoli Centrale Frecciargento
12: 53 Rome Terms 14: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
13: 05 Rome Terms 14: 15 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
13: 56 Rome Terms 15: 41 Napoli Centrale Frecciabianca
14: 25 Rome Terms 15: 35 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
14: 50 Rome Terms 16: 02 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
15: 53 Rome Terms 17: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
16: 05 Rome Terms 17: 13 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
16: 25 Rome Terms 17: 35 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
16: 50 Rome Terms 18: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
17: 05 Rome Terms 18: 15 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
17: 30 Rome Terms 18: 45 Napoli Centrale Frecciargento
17: 45 Rome Terms 18: 55 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
17: 53 Rome Terms 19: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
18: 33 Rome Terms 19: 49 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
18: 40 Rome Terms 19: 59 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
18: 50 Rome Terms 20: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
19: 25 Rome Terms 20: 35 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
19: 40 Rome Terms 20: 50 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
19: 53 Rome Terms 21: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
20: 25 Rome Terms 21: 35 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
20: 53 Rome Terms 22: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
21: 05 Rome Terms 22: 15 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
21: 50 Rome Terms 23: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
21: 55 Rome Terms 23: 17 Napoli Centrale Frecciargento
22: 05 Rome Terms 23: 17 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
22: 40 Rome Terms 23: 50 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
[/ Toggle]
[toggle title=”Trenitalia Saturday Freccia lines”]
07: 35 Rome Terms 08: 45 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
08: 48 Rome Terms 09: 55 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
08: 49 Rome Terms 10: 36 Napoli Centrale Frecciabianca
09: 53 Rome Terms 11: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
10: 10 Rome Terms 11: 20 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
10: 53 Rome Tiburtina 12: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
11: 25 Rome Tiburtina 12: 35 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
11: 45 Rome Tiburtina 12: 53 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
11: 53 Rome Terms 13: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
11: 58 Rome Terms 13: 10 Napoli Centrale Frecciargento
12: 53 Rome Terms 14: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
13: 05 Rome Terms 14: 15 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
13: 56 Rome Terms 15: 41 Napoli Centrale Frecciabianca
14: 25 Rome Terms 15: 35 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
14: 50 Rome Terms 16: 02 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
15: 53 Rome Terms 17: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
16: 25 Rome Terms 17: 35 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
16: 50 Rome Terms 18: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
17: 05 Rome Terms 18: 15 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
17: 30 Rome Terms 18: 45 Napoli Centrale Frecciargento
17: 53 Rome Terms 19: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
18: 33 Rome Terms 19: 49 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
18: 50 Rome Terms 20: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
19: 25 Rome Terms 20: 35 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
19: 53 Rome Terms 21: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
20: 25 Rome Terms 21: 35 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
20: 53 Rome Terms 22: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
21: 05 Rome Terms 22: 15 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
21: 50 Rome Terms 23: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
21: 55 Rome Terms 23: 17 Napoli Centrale Frecciargento
22: 05 Rome Terms 23: 17 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
[/ Toggle]
[toggle title=”Trenitalia Sunday Freccia lines”]
07: 35 Rome Terms 08: 45 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
08: 49 Rome Terms 10: 36 Napoli Centrale Frecciabianca
10: 10 Rome Terms 11: 20 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
10: 53 Rome Tiburtina 12: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
11: 25 Rome Tiburtina 12: 35 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
11: 45 Rome Tiburtina 12: 53 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
11: 53 Rome Terms 13: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
11: 58 Rome Terms 13: 10 Napoli Centrale Frecciargento
12: 53 Rome Terms 14: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
13: 05 Rome Terms 14: 15 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
13: 56 Rome Terms 15: 41 Napoli Centrale Frecciabianca
14: 25 Rome Terms 15: 35 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
14: 50 Rome Terms 16: 02 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
15: 53 Rome Terms 17: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
16: 25 Rome Terms 17: 35 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
16: 50 Rome Terms 18: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
17: 05 Rome Terms 18: 15 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
17: 30 Rome Terms 18: 45 Napoli Centrale Frecciargento
17: 45 Rome Terms 18: 55 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
17: 53 Rome Terms 19: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
18: 33 Rome Terms 19: 49 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
18: 40 Rome Terms 19: 59 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
18: 50 Rome Terms 20: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
19: 25 Rome Terms 20: 35 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
19: 40 Rome Terms 20: 50 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
19: 53 Rome Terms 21: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
20: 25 Rome Terms 21: 35 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
20: 53 Rome Terms 22: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
21: 05 Rome Terms 22: 15 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
21: 50 Rome Terms 23: 00 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa
21: 55 Rome Terms 23: 17 Napoli Centrale Frecciargento
22: 05 Rome Terms 23: 17 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
22: 40 Rome Terms 23: 50 Napoli Centrale Frecciarossa 1000
[/ Toggle]
[toggle title=”Regional weekday timetables”]
05: 36 Rome Terms 08: 12 Napoli Centrale
08: 14 Rome Terms 10: 44 Napoli Centrale
11: 06 Rome Terms 13: 43 Napoli Centrale
12: 36 Rome Terms 15: 11 Napoli Centrale
14: 36 Rome Terms 17: 15 Napoli Centrale
16: 36 Rome Terms 19: 18 Napoli Centrale
18: 36 Rome Terms 21: 18 Napoli Centrale
19: 31 Rome Terms 22: 20 Napoli Centrale
20: 56 Rome Terms 23: 25 Napoli Centrale
[/ Toggle]
[toggle title=”Regional Saturday opening times”]
05: 36 Rome Terms 08: 12 Napoli Centrale
08: 14 Rome Terms 10: 44 Napoli Centrale
11: 06 Rome Terms 13: 43 Napoli Centrale
12: 36 Rome Terms 15: 11 Napoli Centrale
13: 36 Rome Terms 16: 16 Napoli Centrale
14: 36 Rome Terms 17: 15 Napoli Centrale
16: 36 Rome Terms 19: 18 Napoli Centrale
19: 31 Rome Terms 22: 20 Napoli Centrale
20: 56 Rome Terms 23: 25 Napoli Centrale
[/ Toggle]
[toggle title=”Regional Sunday timetable”]
05: 36 Rome Terms 08: 12 Napoli Centrale
11: 06 Rome Terms 13: 43 Napoli Centrale
12: 36 Rome Terms 15: 11 Napoli Centrale
14: 36 Rome Terms 17: 15 Napoli Centrale
16: 36 Rome Terms 19: 18 Napoli Centrale
18: 36 Rome Terms 21: 18 Napoli Centrale
19pm Rome Termini 31pm Naples Centrale [/toggle]
[toggle title=”Trenitalia Intercity timetables Mon / Sun”]
06: 26 Rome Terms 08: 29 Napoli Centrale
07: 26 Rome Terms 09: 29 Napoli Centrale
09: 26 Rome Terms 11: 29 Napoli Centrale
10: 21 Rome Ostia 12: 29 Napoli Centrale
11: 26 Rome Terms 13: 29 Napoli Centrale
12: 26 Rome Terms 14: 29 Napoli Centrale
13: 22 Rome Terms 15: 29 Napoli Centrale
13: 53 Rome Terms 15: 00 Napoli Centrale
14: 26 Rome Terms 16: 29 Napoli Centrale
15: 26 Rome Terms 17: 29 Napoli Centrale
16: 26 Rome Terms 18: 28 Napoli Centrale
17: 26 Rome Terms 19: 29 Napoli Centrale
18: 26 Rome Terms 20: 29 Napoli Centrale
21: 22 Rome Terms 23: 30 Napoli Centrale
[/ Toggle]
[toggle title=”Intercity timetables Mon / Fri”]
05: 52 Rome Ostia 08: 17 Napoli Centrale
07 Rome Tiburtina 25 Naples Centrale[/toggle]
Ticket prices
Trenitalia, since 2012, has also introduced offers Base, Economy e Supereconomy to allow anyone to choose according to their economic needs.
Compare prices.
[toggle title=”Basic offers”]
First class
Regional First class € 11,80
Intercity First class € 34,50
Frecciabianca First class € 52,00
Frecciargento First class € 59,00
Second class
Regional Second class € 11,80
Intercity Second class € 26,00
Frecciabianca Second class € 38,50
Frecciargento Second class € 44,00
[/ Toggle]
[toggle title=”Economy Offers”]
First class
Frecciabianca First class € 29,00
Frecciargento First class € 44,00
Second class
- Frecciabianca Second class € 19,00
- Frecciargento Second class € 34,00
[/ Toggle]
[toggle title=”Supereconomy Offers”]
First class
Frecciabianca First class € 19,00
Frecciargento First class € 39,00
Second class
Frecciargento Second class € 17,00
[/ Toggle]
Offers Base, Economy e Supereconomy they are also valid for the service classes of Frecciarossa (Standard, Premium, Business, Executive).
Let's see them in detail.
[toggle title=”Base Frecciarossa and Frecciarossa 1000″]
Standard € 44,00
Premium € 54,00
Business living room € 79,00
Business service area € 59,00
Business € 59,00
Executive € 104,00
[/ Toggle]
[toggle title=” Economy Frecciarossa and Frecciarossa 1000″]
Standard € 34,00
Premium € 39,00
Business living room € 59,00
Business service area € 44,00
Business € 44,00
Executive € 80,00
[/ Toggle]
[toggle title=”Supereconomy Frecciarossa and Frecciarossa 1000″]
Standard € 29,00
Premium € 34,00
Business living room € 54,00
Business service area Frecciarossa 1000 € 34,00
Frecciarossa service business area € 39,00
Business Frecciarossa 1000 € 34,00
Frecciarossa Business € 39,00
Executive € 59,00
[/ Toggle]
The "CartaFreccia Prepaid"Allows you to accumulate points every time you travel with a train from the Trenitalia line or buying products from partner companies. It allows you to choose your prizes from the catalog, to take advantage of some promotions on the purchase of tickets, to have discounts and to receive, once you have reached a charge of € 200,00 during the calendar year, a discount voucher of € 10,00 to spend on the purchase of a ticket.
The "CartaFreccia Special - 50%"Is a valid offer only for CartaFreccia customers and allows you to buy a ticket with the 50% discount, to travel from 11: 00 to 14: 00 only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, on Intercity trains in First and Second class, on Frecciargento, Frecciabianca and in levels of Standard, Premium and Business service of Frecciarossa, excluding Executive service.
The "CartaFreccia Senior"Is an offer valid only to CartaFreccia customers who have accomplished 60 years and allows you to travel with the 20% discount on all national trains and in all levels of service, excluding the Executive service. Let's see the costs in detail. During the summer the offer becomes even more advantageous, from 1 ° July up to 31 August 2016 tickets will be discounted by 50%.
The "CartaFreccia Young"Is an offer valid only to CartaFreccia customers who are under the age of 26 and allows you to travel with the 20% discount on all national trains and in all levels of service, excluding the Executive service. During the summer the offer becomes even more advantageous, from 1 July to 31 August 2016 tickets will be discounted by 50%.
THE2 × 1 Special Offer it is valid for travel on all national trains except regional, executive service and sleeping accommodation. The promotion allows you to travel in two paying only one ticket at Base price and is valid only for Saturdays.
With the A / R promotion in the same day you can travel with the Frecce round-trip on the same day at the following fixed prices:
- € 69,00 in Second class and Standard level
- € 89,00 in First class and Business level
- € 109,00 in Second class and Standard level
- € 149,00 in First class and Business level
- € 79,00 and € 129,00 for the Premium level
- € 159,00 € 259,00 for the Executive level.
These prices do not apply to journeys for which there is a lower return base price.
With theweekend offer leave on Saturday and return on Sunday with the Frecce. The offer is limited places.
You will pay:
- € 69,00 in Second class Standard level,
- € 89,00 in First class Business level,
- € 109,00 in Second class Standard level,
- € 149,00 in First class Business level,
- € 79,00 and € 129,00 for the Premium level,
- € 159,00 and € 259,00 for the Executive level
These prices do not apply to journeys for which there is a lower return base price.
La Upgrade Summer promotion it concerns a short period that goes from the 12 June to the 31 August 2016. You can buy a Frecciarossa ticket in Executive at the price of the Business, a Frecciarossa ticket in Business at the price of the Standard or a Frecciargento, Frecciabianca or Intercity ticket in First Class at the price of the second class.
THEFree children's offer allows minor 15 years to travel for free, and is dedicated to family groups, consisting of 2 to 5 people, traveling together. With this promotion you can travel in first and second class on all Frecciarossa trains (in the Business, Premium and Standard service levels), Frecciargento, Frecciabianca and Intercity, excluding Night trains and the Executive service level.
THEFamily offer 20% it is dedicated to groups and families composed of 2 to 5 people in which there is at least one minor of 15, and allows you to travel on Intercity Night trains, in bed or couchette cars.
The offer includes:
- 50% (30% for couchettes and sleeping cars) for children under the age of 15;
- 20% for other people.
AV 3 × 2 Carnet It is valid only for Freccia Card holders and parcels to travel 3 times at the price of 2. It is available, for all classes and levels of service, for trips on the AV, Frecciarossa and Frecciargento trains.
Il Travel 10 booklet It is an excellent promotion for those who travel often as it allows to buy 10 tickets for the price of 8, valid for the first and second class of Frecciabianca and Frecciargento and for Frecciarossa services.
While for the Executive service the "10 Travel Carnet" allows you to purchase 10 tickets for the price of 7.
Opening hours
[toggle title=”Italian timetable”]10:23 Rome Termini 11:30 Naples Central
10: 35 Rome Tiburtina 12: 05 Central Naples
10: 57 Rome Terms 12: 05 Napoli Centrale
10: 55 Rome Tiburtina 12: 24 Central Naples
11: 15 Rome Terms 12: 24 Napoli Centrale
11: 55 Rome Tiburtina 13: 22 Central Naples
12: 15 Rome Terms 13: 22 Napoli Centrale
12: 55 Rome Tiburtina 14: 28 Central Naples
13: 15 Rome Terms 14: 28 Napoli Centrale
13: 55 Rome Tiburtina 15: 30 Central Naples
14: 15 Rome Terms 15: 30 Napoli Centrale
14: 55 Rome Tiburtina 16: 30 Central Naples
15: 15 Rome Terms 16: 30 Napoli Centrale
16: 55 Rome Tiburtina 18: 23 Central Naples
17: 15 Rome Terms 18: 23 Napoli Centrale
17: 55 Rome Tiburtina 19: 25 Central Naples
18: 15 Rome Terms 19: 25 Napoli Centrale
19: 20 Rome Terms 20: 30 Napoli Centrale
19: 35 Rome Tiburtina 21: 05 Central Naples
19: 58 Rome Terms 21: 05 Napoli Centrale
19: 55 Rome Tiburtina 21: 25 Central Naples
20: 15 Rome Terms 21: 25 Napoli Centrale
20: 35 Rome Tiburtina 22: 05 Central Naples
20: 58 Rome Terms 22: 05 Napoli Centrale
21: 06 Rome Tiburtina 22: 35 Central Naples
21: 24 Rome Terms 22: 35 Napoli Centrale
22: 35 Rome Tiburtina 00: 05 Central Naples
22pm Rome Termini 55pm Naples Centrale [/toggle]
Ticket prices
ItaloTreni promoted the offers Flex, Economy e Low Cost to allow anyone to choose according to their economic needs.
Compare prices.
[toggle title=”Flex Italo Offers”]
Smart € 39,00
Extra Large € 45,00
First € 49,00
Club Executive € 69,00
[/ Toggle]
[toggle title=”Italian Economy Offers”]
Smart € 36,90
Extra Large € 37,50
First € 37,90
Club Executive € 39,00
[/ Toggle]
[toggle title=”Low Cost Italian Offers”
Smart € 18,50
Extra Large € 27,50
Before €27,90[/toggle]
Below all the details of the offers to be exploited for Italo trains.
- The offer Italo Special it is valid only if you travel Tuesday or Wednesday from 10.30 to 13.30 on all trains in Smart and Prima environments and on all routes with a discount equal to 50% of ticket price.
- The offer Italo Special Saturday it is valid for travel on Saturdays from 9.00 on all trains and on all routes in the Smart environment with a discount of 60% on the price of the Flex offer.
- The offer Italo Famiglia provides that, if you are traveling with your family or with a group of 2 to 4 people, children under the age of 16 travel for free in a Smart environment. At the same time, adults in the group must purchase a ticket at the price of the Flex offer. The offer does not include children between 0 and 23 months, as they travel on their mother's lap without an assigned seat.
- The offer Italo Special Extra Large Edition - 60% it is valid only if you travel on Tuesday and Wednesday from 10: 30 to 13: 30 on all trains in Extra Large environments and allows you to have the 60% discount on the ticket price.
- The offer Italo Special Saturday it is valid for travel on Saturdays from 9.00 on all Smart and Prima trains and on all routes with a discount on the ticket equal to 50%.
- The offer Italo Special Saturday Extra Large Edition - 60% is valid for travel on Saturdays from 9.00 on all trains and on all routes with a discount on the ticket equal to 60%.
- The offer Italo Famiglia allows adults to have a 15% discount on the cost of the ticket and children under 15 to travel for free, as long as they travel together. This offer is valid on all trains of the Flex offer in a Smart environment.
- The offer Italo Ragazzi offers to all travelers from 2 to 15 years, accompanied by an adult, the 50% discount on the Flex fare ticket in Smart and Extra Large environment.
- The offer Italo Bimbi free "allows children between 0 and 23 months to travel for free when held by an adult.
- The offer Italo Senior is a promotion dedicated to those who have completed 60 years and allows you to travel with a discount of 40% on the Flex offer in the Prima environment.
- The offer 10 × 5 booklets is a valid promotion for commuters and allows you to purchase 10 tickets for the price of 5, traveling in the Flex environment.
- The offer A / R in the day allows you to get a discount on the ticket equal to 30% if you leave and return the same day
In any case, to be sure that the promotions and prices have remained the same we recommend visiting the sites of Trenitalia e Italo.